Contact Us

1000 Byron Ave,
Ottawa, Ontario, K2A 0J3
Tel: 613-728-0856

Church Office Hours:

Monday 4pm - 7pm
Wednesday 4pm - 7pm
Saturdays 12pm - 3pm

Upcoming Services / Pозклад богослужінь

П'ятниця, 6 грудня

Friday, December 6th

10:00 am

Св. Миколая Чудотворця - Акафіст

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker - Akathist

Субота, 7 грудня

Saturday, December 7th

4:00 pm

Вечірня та Сповідь / Vespers and Confession

Неділя, 8 грудня

Sunday, December 8th

10:00 am

24-та Неділя по П'ятидесятниці - Літургія

24th Sunday after Pentecost - Divine Liturgy

Сповідь / Confession - 09:30-10:00

Субота, 14 грудня

Saturday, December 14th

4:00 pm

Вечірня та Сповідь / Vespers and Confession

Неділя, 15 грудня

Sunday, December 15th

10:00 am

Неділя Cвв. Праотців - Літургія

Sunday of the Holy Forefathers - Divine Liturgy

Сповідь / Confession - 09:30-10:00

About Our Parish

Parish Priest, Our Parish, Our History, Parish Life, General Information, Parish Council, Membership, Donations, Projects, Cemetery

Parish Life

Parish Programs (Fellowship Hour, Church Choir, Altar Servers, Sunday School, Youth Group, Seniors Program, and more

Ukrainian Women's Association

Who We Are, Our Mission, Our Leaders, Our History, What We Do, Join Our Team

Hall Rental

The Ukrainian Banquet and Convention Hall at 1000 Byron Avenue; Excellent for weddings, seminars, receptions, workshops and concerts.

Help Ukraine

Help Ukraine

Donating to our Church

Donations to church could be made in several ways:

  • Via e-transfer;
  • Via CanadaHelps, for Ukrainian Orthodox Church of St. Mary. Ottawa, credit cards are accepted;
  • Pay by cash or cheque to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Ottawa;
  • Use BCU Direct Deposit.